§ 134-2. Duties of inspectors.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspectors to report in writing to the Town of Mendon Code Enforcement Officer, whose duty it shall be to enforce all provisions of this code, all violations or deviations from or omissions of the electrical provisions of the building code applicable to the Town of Mendon, and all other local laws, ordinances and the building code as referred to in this chapter insofar as any of the same apply to electrical wiring. The inspectors shall make inspections and reinspections of electrical installations in and on properties in the Town of Mendon upon the written request of an authorized official of the Town of Mendon or as herein provided. The inspector is authorized to make inspections and reinspections of electrical wiring, installations, devices, appliances and equipment in or on properties within the Town of Mendon where he deems it necessary for the protection of life and property. In the event of an emergency, it is the duty of the inspector to make electrical inspections upon the oral request of an official or officer of the Town of Mendon.
    Electrical inspectors deemed qualified by the Town may only perform such duties as electrical inspectors upon the express request of the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Mendon or upon the request of the owner of the premises that are to be inspected.
    It shall be the duty of the inspector to furnish written reports to the proper officials of the Town of Mendon and owners and/or lessees of property where defective electrical installations and equipment are found upon inspection. He shall authorize the issuing of a certificate of compliance when electrical installations and equipment are in conformity with this chapter. He shall direct that a copy of the certificate of compliance be sent to the Town of Mendon, to the attention of the Code Enforcement Officer.