§ 150-1. Legislative authority; scope; intent.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Pursuant to § 24-0501 of the New York State Freshwater Wetlands Act (Article 24 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law), the Town of Mendon shall fully undertake and exercise its regulatory authority with regard to activities subject to regulation under the Act in freshwater wetlands, as shown on the Freshwater Wetlands Map, as such Act may from time to time be amended, filed by the Department of Environmental Conservation pursuant to the Act and in all areas adjacent to any such freshwater wetlands up to 100 feet from the boundary of such wetlands.
    Such regulatory authority shall be undertaken and exercised in accordance with all of the procedures, concepts and definitions set forth in Article 24 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law and Title 23 of Article 71 of such law relating to the enforcement of Article 24, as such law may from time to time be amended, with certain exceptions, additions and modifications to be determined as follows: 24-0501.3. provides for a specification of any exception, addition and modification to the procedures of Article 24. Refer to the Department's August 6, 1976, document entitled "Criteria for Reviewing Local Freshwater Wetlands Protection Ordinances and Laws pursuant to the Freshwater Wetlands Act (Article 24 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law)" prior to making any exception, addition or modification to the provisions of Article 24.
Amended 11-28-1994 by L.L. No. 7-1994