§ 226-26. Lot size and arrangement.  

Latest version.
  • The dimensions and arrangements of lots shall be such that there will be no foreseeable difficulties, for reasons of topography, reservations, dedications or other conditions, in providing access to buildings on such lots or in securing building permits to build on the lots in compliance with Chapter 260, Zoning, or other requirements. In general, side lot lines should be at right angles or radial to street lines, unless a variation from this can be shown to result in a better plan.
    Access. Lots abutting streets contained in the major street plan for the county as adopted by the Monroe County Legislature, or until such adoption of streets named in a resolution by the Town Board, shall not derive direct access to these streets but rather should have access to a marginal access street or other streets within the subdivision. All lots shall abut a street, other than an alley, for at least the minimum width required in Chapter 260, Zoning. Where reverse frontage is employed, a cross-access easement shall be required along the rear portion of the lot next to and parallel to the highway right-of-way line. Where a watercourse separates the buildable area of a lot from the street to which it has access, provision shall be made for installation of a culvert or other structure, when required, which shall be subject to the same design criteria and review as all other stormwater drainage facilities in the subdivision and the Town's flood damage prevention regulations.
    Prevention of landlocked parcels. No division of land shall result in any parcel not having at least one access point to at least one public road.
    Buffers and berms.
    A berm may be required along the boundary of any lot with a public thoroughfare.
    Berms shall be provided along the rear lot lines of reverse-frontage lots adjacent to other public thoroughfares. The berm shall be one which provides a visual buffer as well as being based upon decibel measurements obtained by the subdivider from a responsible private or public agency that can provide this service.
    Landscape buffers should be provided between marginal access roads and major streets.
    Streams and drainageways. Subdivision lots should be laid out so that side or rear lot lines follow the center line of a stream or drainageway which may be within the subdivision.
    Length of streets. Streets should not generally be less than 400 feet nor greater than 1,200 feet in length, with the optimum length being 800 feet.
    Location of buildings and planting of trees. As much as is possible, consideration should be given to noise sources, privacy, prevailing wind directions and seasonal sun movements when locating structures, patios and open spaces on lots as well as when selecting locations for and type of vegetation to be planted on the lot.