§ 241-13. Recordkeeping.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Code Enforcement Officer shall keep permanent official records of all transactions and activities conducted by all code enforcement personnel, including records of:
    All applications received, reviewed and approved or denied;
    All plans, specifications and construction documents approved;
    All building permits, certificates of occupancy/certificates of compliance, temporary certificates, stop-work orders, and operating permits issued;
    All inspections and tests performed;
    All statements and reports issued;
    All complaints received;
    All investigations conducted;
    All other features and activities specified in or contemplated by §§ 241-4 through 241-12, inclusive, of this chapter; and
    All fees charged and collected.
    All such records shall be public records open for public inspection during normal business hours. All plans and records pertaining to buildings or structures, or appurtenances thereto, shall be retained for at least the minimum time period so required by state law and regulation.